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Psyneh of Sweden

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005 

Mom raising a wussy?

I've seen people asking this question over and over so i decided that i wanted this question answeared;
"Since women are not attracted to wussies...why the hell do our mothers raise us to act this way and tell us that this is what girls want in a man?"

David DeAngelo Comments:

Well, your mom wasn't ATTRACTED to you, dude.

At least I hope not.


LISTEN: Your mom probably can't even REMEMBER what it's like to feel a GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for a man, and even if she CAN remember it, she's not going to be able to EXPLAIN TO YOU HOW TO DO IT.

Moms have experience.

They know that guys who arouse sexual passions in a woman are usually BAD NEWS, and they don't want you to turn out that way.

Moms universally give HORRIBLE advice to sons on how to make women feel ATTRACTION for them.

I could go on, but I think you get my point.


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