Psyneh Seduction
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Psyneh of Sweden

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006 

Seduction Acronyms

Do you know what these acronyms means?

PUA, AFC, GF, HB, AMOG, Social Proof, Target, UG, Wing, Cockblock, C+F,
One-itis, Obstacle, mASF, Sarge, AI, NLP, NEG, LBJF, IOI, Kino, EC, DHV?

Not? Well they are pretty common in the society of seduction and you might need to visit Fast Seductions 101 Wiki Project (the pickup artists dictionary) for explanation!


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My Favorite Blogs:

- Pickup Blog Aggregator
- The Sex God Method
- The Seducers Diary
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- The Asian Playboy
- Levelup Life Blog
- Lifestyle with BG
- Art of Seduction
- Pickup 101 Blog
- Dolly The Pivot
- Dewussified
- ijjjji PUA

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