Lifestyle Improvements
- Having a lifestyle to me means investing time to become your best self.
Role Models
Most people dont have good rolemodels, they have a large amount of negative people in their life. People who are needy and afraid of your success.
Have you ever been put in a situation where a friend (or foe) is choosing some clothing or maybe making up his minds about a women he likes and you gave him a bad advice becouse you wanted the clothing or women yourself?
Guess what, it was becouse you didn't want your friend to get something you wanted badly yourself that if he won he would have won social status over you, he would be able to tease you about it that he got something you didn't.
Thats how people are, we dont wanna lose social status to other people. If you did this you where a negative bitch.
The thing is that you where afraid of HIS success!
Ever met a women in a club who liked you and her friend acted rude towards you and you left them..? it was becouse the friend didn't want to be left alone in the club when the two of you sits in a corner making out leaving her to look like a loser so she prefered being a negative bitch towards you and her friend.
So first stop sabotaging for other people becouse you are afraid that they will develope their social skills before you do.. and you should know that emotions are synonym to body language so stop being a fake, people will notice even if you only think its in your head and nobody will notice, women see right throug these things and when you stopped yourself from being negative you must pick your friends wisely.. becouse when I joined the seduction community I thought that I had more friends than I actually had, the thing was that I wasn't aware that many of them just where shallow friends of course I had heard about people being shallow but I didn't think that my friends could be that to me. Only becouse you hang with people everyday or have a long history with some people it doesn't mean that they are your friends.
Friends are people who embrace your success, people who don't sabotage it for you, no matter for how long you have known eachother. If you hang with a friend you have known for 10 years who's a always negative and put you into a bad emotional state, acts in second class behavior towards you it might be time to cut loose that shallow friendship, btw im not talking about a friendship that might have taken you into a bad emotional state just in a situation but for a very long time or maybe the two of you just need a pause, let your friend miss you and if he dont call you back you'll notice how much of a friend he was. If your hanging with your friend only becouse you dont have any other then it might be time to extend your social network a.k.a. go out to social events even if it means to go out alone.
I understand why some people are afraid of going out alone, they dont have any social proof and looks like loosers, so WHAT? who cares, yeah you might look like a loser and people might notice that you are there alone but I dont think any journalist will come up and interview you and take a picture and put it on the front page with the headline LOSER.. its just that uncomfortable feeling and you want the magic pill that will make you some kind of Hugh Hefner but it doesn't work that way, you have to start at Level 1.
But ok I will give you something that throws away the obstacles verbal attack.. if someone ask where your friends are.. say "They are around", "They left me, im a total LOSER!" really exaggerating playing sad then showing a sly face, it will convey that you are confident about it.. that you aren't in need of other people. Actually it can be BAD to have friends with you in clubs.. having friends with you can do TWO things to you in clubs..
1. I stay with them becouse it makes me comfortable to stay with someone I know - Preventing me from extending my social network.
2. They cockblock me by dragging me away from girls I would have sex with if they didn't interrupt me. - Preventing my love life.
Now back to the topic..
When you starting getting out of the negativity zone its good to get some REALLY great friends.. both guys & girls (no, you didn't read fuckbuddys).
I can say this, I meet alot of people. I meet new people every weekend and I dont sarge, sarging is good to get confidence when you meet people but I feel that I have that and now I prefer to mingle so the most people I talk to nowdays are people who come up with me but there is still alot of people I talk to.
By all those people I've made hundreds of friends but the thing is that many of them are just shallow friends, people who I might hang with sometimes in order to extend my social network but it doens't nessecary always mean that they embrace my success and thats the reason why I dont hang MUCH with them, the people I prefer to hang with is the people who embrace my success, that makes me feel good and of several hundreds of my friends their less than ten people I hang with who I can say are successful.
I would like to give you a mission.. get 5 male friends and 5 female friends.
The 5 male friends should be guys who in first case embrace your success, that isn't negative, that you have fun with and who can watch interact smoothly with females. You will start noticing the common patterns between the successful guys and you will be able to apply it to yourself.
The 5 female friends should be girls who you can talk to without no one of you becomes uncomfortable talking to eachother, they shall also embrace your success, they shall be girls who you are attracted to, but the thing is that you should nomatter what hit on them, dont even imagine in your head that you in secret will play their friends first and then hook up with them becouse then it wont work. When you got female attractive friends they will teach you about everything they like and they will even be able to act as your pivots, hooking you up with their hot friends.
Another thing that can boost your social skills is by mirroring other guys, yeah I mentioned the real successful guys but it will take time to find those guys so you can also use the community as a rolemodel to get ideas, read field rapports, testemonials, newsletters, guru interviews from the seduction community.. (you dont want to get influenced by AFC's, but learn how to filter out the bad things becouse there is alot of AFC material in the seduction community to) those things will also boost your social skills but dont use them as an excuse to not put effort in finding your real friends.
Something else I want to recommend you is lifestyle improvement books, why do you think I got this much success already in my early 20's? is it becouse im lucky? nope it has to do with pride.. not my pride, but other peoples pride.. im just viewing it from another angle..I read books like art of seduction, comedy writing secrets, double your dating, feng shui etc.. for most guys these books are HELP BOOKS, there is two reason why guys dont want to read them:
1. HELP books - guys dont need help with their life, help is only for the weak people, its something they should have learnt by themself.. they think. Social skills is like mastering a musical instrument.. it takes time to become good at it. Your trying to learn the piano without even being able to read the accords, let people HELP you with that THEN you can write your own "songs" (setting up your own goals in life), and by the way.. when I started with this I didn't see this as help, I saw it as lifestyle improvement, thats why I call it that and thats why the books didn't break my pride which it does for most guys to read "help books".
2. Its books.. only nerds read books most guys think.. well im not a fan of books either but if reading 1 hour a day helps me getting into the zone of 25% best successful guys who get laid while having a good time, I think I can afford that time.
Only this topic will make most guys run but dont, this is an really important part. Why do you think girls shop so often? is it becouse they are material obsessed? No not really. Males go buy technical stuff and females go buy clothes, makeup & accessories.. and what is the purpose of that? to look good & feel good (emotional stimulation). Why do males buy technical stuff? becouse they wanna THINK so they build things, invent stuff, figure out out electronic devices they bought etc.. (logical stimulation).
Im not saying that you need to get yourself a makeup but spend more time on shopping, the reason I advice this is becouse if you spend time to look good, it stimulates your social intelligence by making you look presentable at interactions, like i.ex. a website.. Do you visit a site with good material but with looks like a total mess OR a site with the same material but is greatly organized? The reason why people jugde people by their looks are becouse of what you represent.. your clothing represents who you are.. and if you got good clothing people will think that you have the other parts of your life togheter to.
Being picky about clothing is important to convey personality in your looks in order to generate attraction.. so yes looks are important, but probably not the way you thought.. so lets start it, be honest about your looks, do you look good or do you look bad? have you noticed how bad looking people often tend to lie to themself and says that it ain't much they can improve in order to look good becouse they are to lazy to put effort in it and the people who look good often tend to be so VERY picky about their looks, standing infront of the mirror for hours..
Its becouse they are being honest about themselfs.. they know about their weaks spots and they try to fix them instead of ignoring them.. just look at models, they are so brutal honest about their apperence that they wont go away from the mirror until they fixed the problem.
HINT: if you even can't take care of your clothing why would you be able to take care of anything else in your life?
So what you can do with this is to spend time on finding your own style (It doesn't have to be expensive) in order to convey your presentability & personality. By personality I mean your UNIQE IDENTIY... dont copy everything else.. still I dont say that you can't take one piece from one person and another piece from another person to make one cool outfit.. get something you can be proud of, that looks cool and that makes people think WOW when they see one of your pieces, think what they will think when they see ALL these pieces together.
Also old clothing will make you associate bad experiences.. remembering bad experiences in new experiences will only lead to bad experiences AGAIN.. dont get into this bad circle. Sure old clothing can lead you to good experiences to but sooner or later you will get into a bad experince, its unavoidable. Yes you can get laid without having your presentability togheter but its makes things ten times easier becouse you already conveyed some attraction switches in the women before even said a word - remember that many women decide if they wanna have sex with you in only the first minutes.
Sporting & Hobbies
Why do you think people sport these days? In this modern society we dont have to hunt for food anymore, our lives isn't put at risk if we dont find food (often) we can just go down to McDonalds and buy a burger and then our survival instinct is pleased so when we hunted for food we also trained our bodies so we could be healthy.. we dont do that stuff today, so instead we sport. I am not a philosopher but I do belive that the reason with life is to fill it. With a lifestyle I can fill it, it takes effort to have a lifestyle.. a lifestyle keeps me healthy, emotional stable, social intelligent and BUSY from thinking that my life is shit like all those people who doesn't have one think.. it also keeps me happy so why wouldn't I put time to that?
I advice people to get a hobbie they can do with passion something that makes them feel "WOW! im actually doing something in my life that makes me feel like im not wasting my time in this world!" It doesn't matter what you do.. as long as you enjoys your time spending it, still you might need to sport if your hobbie is to play computer games or whatever where you ain't moving.
Another thing is that its also necessary to understand that sporting and hobbies is A PART of your life and not THE PART of your life.. dont get obsessed with it.. the hobbie shouldn't be something that your are 100% committed to, you should be able to change it anytime so dont get yourself into stuff that makes you obsessed with it like online games with accounts etc. Im not saying that you can't play it, just dont get obsessed with it cause it can make you skip social events and the next thing you know is that you dont have any more social events left to go becouse you skipped the once you had.. be open minded and go to as many social events you can, it might turn into something fun.Making This Work
- Seeing is beliveing or is beliveing seeing?
When I joined the seduction community a few years back people would tell me that they could makeout with girls in less than 10 minutes from meeting...
BULLSHIT! was my response, thats fucking unatural I thought.. Then my friend did this infront of me and I was shocked, he wasn't even a PUA and he just said Hi to a women and then they started making out.. it shocked my reality HARD becouse I knew he didn't know this women.. I was like what the hell just happend? people dont just go up to eachother saying hi and then makeout.. its fucking weird. Nowdays this is regular to me, its in my reality to makeout with girls in even less than 3 minutes and new friends sometimes get shocked when I do it, but after a while this grows into their reality as well so now you understand why.
Some people would say "oh but she's a slut" but they didn't have so many more questions when I answeared "yeah.. how do you explain about the 5 guys she ditched before me?" which was true, and if she wanted she could have any of those who tried to pick her up, hell the hotties in the club can often have any guy they want in the clubs but they dont pick them becouse their not attracted to them. I was just uniqe to them not doing same thing as the 100 guys before them trying to pick them up all in the same fucking boring way.
Then you might say "but they probably did it becouse you look good" and my respons is - No I dont look that good but I do convey attractive personality traits with my looks like being confident, uniqe etc using my body language & a extension of my body language a.k.a clothing. To some people it might be natural to makeout with girls in less then 5 min, but get what im saying.. some things aren't just in our reality before we see it.. but sometimes we dont just see it and then the only thing we can do is to belive it in order to make it happen.
Showing this to people who never seen stuff like this before isn't logical for them.. a person who hasn't seen something dont always belives it becouse its not in their reality. But say like this.. have you ever seen one million dollor.. no? does that means it doesn't exist? Just a few hundred years ago you would have been crazy if you said that the earth was round and not flat.. well now we got scientist who has confirmed this, what we wasn't aware some hundreds years ago was gravity - it was the missing piece that made the whole deal unlogical for us.
Today the missing piece in relationships is - attraction, most guys dont understand attraction, but does that mean it doesn't exits? no... and since we might not get it proven by scientist until your dead, you might consider beliveing in it before you understand it becouse this isn't like beliveing in one million dollor or if the planet is round.. one million dollar affects your living, with one million dollar in your pocket you will have a better life coz you can buy so much things that pleases your survival instincts.. and the planet being round doesn't really affect you unless you have astronomy as hobbie, and as for hobbie you can change that but attraction DOES affect your love life.You could start beliving in it OR you can wait and let the scientists prove it, but by then you are much likely in your older years if not dead.. Do you really want to wait that long with your love life? Do you really want other peoples belifes control your lifestyle?
Sweet Post!
Your post really make tons of sense to me. It's some good quality info man. considered your blog linked.
Posted by
Style |
3/13/2006 9:58 AM
Thanks Geno, appreciate your compliment.. you should allow access to your profile so I can read your blog!
Greetings Psyneh
Posted by
Psyneh |
3/13/2006 11:59 AM
No prob man. Sorry bout, I think it should be available to see now.
Posted by
Style |
3/14/2006 7:12 AM
still not available, check your profile and mark the "share my profile" setting on top.
Posted by
Psyneh |
3/14/2006 11:16 AM
Great post man, could please elaborate more on the subject of making friends ??
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/15/2006 7:48 PM
Quote from a guy who sent me a message asking me the same thing.
QUESTION: "hello friend, what´s up ?? I really enjoyed your post about lifestyle improvements . could please elaborate more on the subejct of making friends ?? I live in brazil, even though people are more open to one another im still having dificulty to make a large social circle."
ANSWEAR: "Hi John, thank you for reading it!
Yes you can, as cheesy as it sounds.. you can go out to a club and say
"hi im just walking around meeting new people.. so whats up?" normally I dont recommend this line because the whole situation puts you in a spot where the relationship between you and your new friend doesn't have a stable comfort but if you can't make friends at all this will get you started and most likley you will become comfortable with talking to new people without saying this, hope that helped some!
Greetings Psyneh"
and also I would like to add that it helps being friendly and not beeing to needy on your new friend or setting up to high standards on him/her.
Posted by
Psyneh |
3/24/2006 11:00 PM