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Psyneh of Sweden

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Saturday, May 07, 2005 

Exploit The Raw Power Of Social Proof!

Got this email from Jeffy, Executive Coach at Real Social Dynamics :)

I was hanging out with an old friend earlier this afternoon. This guy just moved into a new place, so I went by to check it out and have a few beers.

So we're sitting there talking, and he starts to ask me about game. This guy just broke up with his girlfriend of several years, as a matter of fact that was the reason he ended up moving.

He's just moved into this sweet bachelor pad located right near some of the most happening bars in town, and he's ready to jump back into the game.
Knowing what I do for a living, he decided to ask me for some pointers for a guy "starting over" so to speak.

In this situation, I figured the best way to go would be to start him off easy, and lay down the FUNDAMENTALS.
So I thought to myself, what's the NUMBER ONE RULE of game?

It's that simple. If I had to give one, and only one, piece of advice to this guy, that would be it. Always be cooler than the girl.

See, in the pick up game, everything that happens in a given interaction is related to the concept of VALUE.

What you have to understand is that chicks act at ALL TIMES to GAIN and/or MAINTAIN social status. This is far more important to them than getting laid (although that probably comes in a close second lol).

So whenever you're interacting with a woman, they are scrutinizing you in order to determine whether keeping your company would result in a net gain or loss of social status. Granted, much of this is happening on a subconscious level, but that doesn't make it any less REAL.

In other words, they are assessing your value.

So. How can we use this information to help us achieve what we want, i.e. lots of sex with extremely hot girls?

Let me put it this way: remember that movie The Matrix? In the film, once the characters realize that they are living in a constructed world governed by certain rules, they are able to exploit that knowledge to do things that would otherwise be impossible.

We can do the same here, with this knowledge of the "social matrix".

Let me illustrate this with an example.

Imagine you are at a house party. You're having a good time, hanging out, meeting people. It's a great party, the place is packed, and there are tons of beautiful women running around.

Some weird dude comes up to you while you're getting a drink and initiates a conversation. He's balding, overweight, and strikes you as a little bit overbearing. You sit there and politely entertain him, hoping he will leave soon.

Suddenly, a couple of attractive girls you know enter the room, and they're all over the guy. One of them says to you, "I see you've met Bob, this is his house!"

All of a sudden, your perception of the guy changes. He's not 'overbearing', he's 'outgoing'. Suddenly, you find yourself wanting to talk to him more, tell him what a great party this is.

After all, if the guy can organize a party and get all these beautiful girls to show up, he must be cool, right?

In the space of a few seconds, your opinion of this person took a complete 180 in the other direction.

This is the principle of SOCIAL PROOF at work, and it's extremely powerful. It's one of the ways we can convince others who may be ambivalent about us that we are of high status.

This is a glitch in the social matrix that we can exploit to our advantage to captivate the women we desire.

The term "social proof" was first introduced by the social psychologist Robert Cialdini in his book, "Influence", published in 1984.

To illustrate his point, Cialdini begins his treatment of the subject with a discussion of the "canned laughter" frequently heard on television sit-coms.

Regardless of how much people say they hate it, the research indicates that the canned laughter causes people to laugh:

"Experiments have found that the use of canned laughter causes an audience to laugh longer and more often when humorous material is presented and to rate the material as funnier. In addition, some evidence indicates that canned laughter is most effective for poor jokes."

Again, this is in spite of the fact that people claim to dislikeit. To explain this, Cialdini introduces the concept of social proof: ""[O]ne means we use to determine what is correct is to find out what other people think is correct... The greater number of people who find an idea correct, the more the idea will be correct."

Social proof is a shortcut that usually works well for us: if we conform to the behavior we see around us, we are less likely to make a social faux pas.

Do you see the implications here?

This is an extremely powerful principle, and perhaps THE most effective way to demonstrate that you are of higher value and, by extension, sexually attractive.

Here's an even more compelling example of the power of social proof that I discovered in my research of the subject:

In one experiment five primed students were told to describe a circular shape as 'being like a square'. A sixth (un-primed) student, on hearing the others describe the clearly circular object as being like a square, was 81% more likely to also say the round object was square. If the other five students said it was circle like then the sixth student would describe it as being circular.

Are you paying attention here? "81% MORE LIKELY."

That's absolutely ridiculous... but in a good way. Because once we are aware of this highly potent rule of human behavior, we can begin to put it to work for us.

It has been found social proof is MOST influential under two conditions:

1. Uncertainty. When people are unsure of how to react and the situation is ambiguous, they are more likely to observe the behavior of others and to accept that behavior as the correct course of action (this accurately describes the situation at hand if we're talking about a cold pickup on a girl you've never met; she doesn't know who you are yet, so it's most definitely an "ambiguous situation").

2. Similarity. People are more inclined to follow the lead of others who are similar.

So, in a pick-up, we're attempting to convince a girl that a particular idea is correct: the idea that we are of high valueand therefore attractive.

So, according to the principle of social proof, if she witnesses other people (and women in particular) treating us as though we are of high status (i.e. attractive and desireable) while we are in her presence, she will have no choice but to accept it as the truth.

Dude, listen: Social proof is the reason rock stars "get laid like rock stars"!

So, let's get down to brass tacks. Now that we've established social proof as an undeniable psychological force, how can we practically apply it in our everyday lives to help us lay the girls we want?

Well, let me tell you one way that I often use it to my advantage.

You might have heard me talk in these newsletters about a bar I frequent called the El Rio. This is a venue in my neighborhood that I've been going to for several years. As a matter of fact, I've been to Monday Dollar Drink Night there every Monday for the past consecutive 133 weeks. Haven't skipped it once.

As you might imagine, I'm socially proofed up the wazoo at this joint.

So, let's say I pick up a girl and get her phone number. After that, I use my stellar phone game to get her to agree to meet me for drinks somewhere. Hmmm. Where should we go?

Oh! I've got an idea! She can meet me at the El Rio on Monday night! That might work!


So I meet her at the El Rio. She's out front in the 45-minute line, waiting to get in. I greet her and yank her out of the line. We march directly to the front door as I mock and ridicule the poor suckers who have to wait. I give the door guy a hi-five and we're in.

I step up to the bar and the manager greets me, and without asking, sets down in front of me a vodka tonic, no straw, just the way I like it. "On the house," she says with a smile. I wink at mygirl as I take a sip.

I lead my girl out to the back deck. Along the way, several hotwomen stop me to give me a hug or a kiss on the cheek. This happens several times over the course of the evening, we get interupted by people wanting to talk to me and/or buy me a drink.

Do you see where this is headed? By the end of the night, the chick sees me in an entirely different light. When a girl meets me out at the old El Rio, she's screwed, literally AND figuratively. :)

Other times, I'll go there with the intention of picking up fresh girls. What do I do? Walk in like I own the place with a girl on each arm, like a damn pimp. The point is, I'm using social proof to project the image of someone who is desired by women.

It's extremely effective. Don't you ever forget it.

The examples I give above are pretty basic uses of social proof, but it's just the tip of the iceberg.

If you're interested in learning some astonishing ADVANCED secrets of how to use this incredibly powerful tool, sign up for one of our Individualized Bootcamps. During the course, we'll reveal how the best pick up artists in the WORLD use this stuff to score with the top-calibre girls.

You'll hear about it, then witness it LIVE, in-field as the Executive Coaches bust out the tricks used by the PROS. Stuff like pawning and merging sets. You'll see it all first hand, then apply it yourself to get results you never thought possible.

What makes these techniques so powerful? We've been researching, polishing and perfecting them for the last several years, for REAL and IN THE FIELD.

This stuff isn't armchair rhetoric. These techniques are the endproduct of our blood, sweat and tears from countless interactions in an unimaginably wide range of scenarios.

Without this information, you'll wind up a typical frustrated guy banging his head against the wall, bouncing off set after set.

Not only is this annoying, it can have a dramatic NEGATIVE impact on your game!

That's because you'll waste precious time dealing with the internal issues that inevitably arise from getting blown out repeatedly, when you could've been pulling hotties back to your pad and building on that success in a self-perpetuating CONFIDENCE loop!


Jeffy, Executive Coach - REAL SOCIAL DYNAMICS


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