Dont apologize for who you are!
Neil Strauss in his book The Game, wrote that Courtney Love posesses a attractive trait.. he called it not caring and since I had some understanding about the seduction community and wanted to increase womens attraction for me I started disecting the "Not Caring" attitude.. what was it that was so attractive about it?
People in the community told me to just stop caring.. and I did.. but it didn't work! Same thing happend to many other guys in the community, but of course since the gurus said it, it HAD to work at some level.. did they lie to me? they claimed to have field tested it, so why didn't it work for me? Thats when I realised that the people that just didn't care, 'DIDN'T CARE' the way I thought.
What I thought not caring meant was that if someone didn't like what I had to say they could fuck off! But the thing is that it isn't about being rude to people who doesn't share your opinions, infact its never about being rude to other people its about being nice to yourself.
Its about not walking around with this huge invisible defense cloak but being able to stand up for what you like.. simply not allowing other peoples opinions to hit you and destroy your confidence.
What do I mean with that? isn't that almost the same thing..?
Im going to give an exampel..
Some time ago I was walking down the street.. I dont remember why.. but I do rememer something I saw..
It was a 15 year old kid walking 5 meters infront of his entire family.. why did he do this and why did I notice it?
I noticed it becouse I've done it myself and he did it becouse he was embaressed. He didn't know it conciously but his body language
screamed INSECURE for every movement he made.. he walked fast, looked down on the ground and just seemed very unhappy.
So why am I saying that the kid was embaressed and what was he embaressed about?
He was embaressed about himself, he was supposed to walk with his family but he didn't because he belived that if he would walk with his family he would not be as cool as the other kids only walking down the street with their friends.. he didn't wanna be seen as a mom's little boy.
He was really scared about what people would think about him so he walked 5 meters infront to make it look like he wasn't walking with them but you just knew that he was a part of the family by their looks and the way they spoke to each other. So I tried to disect it.. was the "Not Caring" attitude about being embaressed? no.. being embaressed wasn't the problem and caring isn't unattractive.. So what was it?
It was that he cared to much about what people thought about him, but it wasn't caring that made him unattractive.. it was the fact that he apologized for who he was.. he didn't say it verbally and he was most likely not thinking about it, but he was walking infront becouse he was concerned that his family would embaress him doing dorky stuff but the thing is that he cared so much about what people would think that he tried to make it look that he wasn't a part of the family.
But a person who is secure of who he is wouldn't do such a thing becouse they would know that he's still a person of same social value even though the fact that he was hanging with a person with lower social value than himself.
Sometimes if you look at chicks you will se real HOTTIES with ugly boyfriends that makes you think that she got tired of being fucked by a goat.
But the HOTTIES know that their hot even if they hang with people of low social value becouse they can protect their own value and much likely he had his social value down but on another level than his looks.
But then why doesn't they always hang ugly guys? Its becouse they are NEEDY.. good looking guys are often more secure about them selfs becouse of their looks but the looks doesn't really matter.. the thing is that no matter if your hot or not and you are being needy and you apologize for who you are ALL THE TIME its a turn-off and the girls will RUN from you but if you isn't needy and dont apologize for who you are than you won't have a problem with women depending on your apperence.
Some exampels on guys?
- Just look at Tommy Lee.. anyone seen the first episode of the TV show "Tommy Lee Goes To College" in that episode he hugs his mom
(and even kisses I think?) and says that he loves her in TV! he isn't afraid of the fact that some people will think that he is a wuss because he did that in tv.. because he knows that he IS a BADASS ROCKSTAR and not a wussy so he just doesn't care about what people will think about him.
- Another exampel is Brad Pitt.. many guys says he is gay even though they know he can get almost any girl on the planet that he wants.. and Brad knows that some people thinks this but he doesn't care.. why? Becouse he is considered as one of the most attractive men on the planet.. he can fuck almost any women he wants and he knows that so why the hell would he care about some guys saying that he "looks gay"? The only reason he would care about it was if he would be insecure about himself being gay.. but he simply knows he isn't so he doesn't apologize for who he is.
Another exampel is telling women that you are a PUA
Its the same thing with many PUA's.. they want to tell women that they are PUA's becouse PUA's are people who get laid and are people who has social status but then they
1. won't becouse they are afraid of what people will think about them..
2. tell them and comes across as weird because they try to brag.
If your trying to tell the women that you are a PUA just to brag.. she will notice that its incongruent with who you are.. but if it is who you are then it will be congruent automatic.. when you brag and tell a directly women that you are a PUA it will scare her with all the stuff about acronyms, techniques and routines and other weird stuff because it will sound like some kind of sect and you will come across as a manipulator which you ARE if you do this to her.
But if you are congruent as a PUA you will show her the real deal FIRST by either picking her up, someone else infront of her or telling her a interessting story about your journey as a PUA and she will know that you really are one without you even told her right out, maybe not directly a PUA but a man comfortable around women and I guess thats whats you want and if that makes her interessted and she wants to know more about your understanding THEN tell her.
Tell her how you became a PUA but dont just tell her that you are a PUA and you can do this and that.. thats just talking the walk and thats lame.
Walk the talk and dont apologize for who you are, make sure that the actions you take on in life is something that you can be proud of so that you wont get embaressed about it and you wont have to deal with any unconscious apologizing at all.
So when is it ok to be rude?
Just so people know I dont advocate people being rude, but learn how to calibrate.. as I said its never about being rude to other people but being nice to yourself but IF someone is messing with your and you aren't in control of the situation and you just want to get away from it but the other person won't let you then you might consider being rude to the person to make that person get it, other than that you should be pleasant and yes you can be cocky + funny or banter with people while still being pleasant in order to convey a an attractive personality.
People in the community told me to just stop caring.. and I did.. but it didn't work! Same thing happend to many other guys in the community, but of course since the gurus said it, it HAD to work at some level.. did they lie to me? they claimed to have field tested it, so why didn't it work for me? Thats when I realised that the people that just didn't care, 'DIDN'T CARE' the way I thought.
What I thought not caring meant was that if someone didn't like what I had to say they could fuck off! But the thing is that it isn't about being rude to people who doesn't share your opinions, infact its never about being rude to other people its about being nice to yourself.
Its about not walking around with this huge invisible defense cloak but being able to stand up for what you like.. simply not allowing other peoples opinions to hit you and destroy your confidence.
What do I mean with that? isn't that almost the same thing..?
Im going to give an exampel..
Some time ago I was walking down the street.. I dont remember why.. but I do rememer something I saw..
It was a 15 year old kid walking 5 meters infront of his entire family.. why did he do this and why did I notice it?
I noticed it becouse I've done it myself and he did it becouse he was embaressed. He didn't know it conciously but his body language
screamed INSECURE for every movement he made.. he walked fast, looked down on the ground and just seemed very unhappy.
So why am I saying that the kid was embaressed and what was he embaressed about?
He was embaressed about himself, he was supposed to walk with his family but he didn't because he belived that if he would walk with his family he would not be as cool as the other kids only walking down the street with their friends.. he didn't wanna be seen as a mom's little boy.
He was really scared about what people would think about him so he walked 5 meters infront to make it look like he wasn't walking with them but you just knew that he was a part of the family by their looks and the way they spoke to each other. So I tried to disect it.. was the "Not Caring" attitude about being embaressed? no.. being embaressed wasn't the problem and caring isn't unattractive.. So what was it?
It was that he cared to much about what people thought about him, but it wasn't caring that made him unattractive.. it was the fact that he apologized for who he was.. he didn't say it verbally and he was most likely not thinking about it, but he was walking infront becouse he was concerned that his family would embaress him doing dorky stuff but the thing is that he cared so much about what people would think that he tried to make it look that he wasn't a part of the family.
But a person who is secure of who he is wouldn't do such a thing becouse they would know that he's still a person of same social value even though the fact that he was hanging with a person with lower social value than himself.
Sometimes if you look at chicks you will se real HOTTIES with ugly boyfriends that makes you think that she got tired of being fucked by a goat.
But the HOTTIES know that their hot even if they hang with people of low social value becouse they can protect their own value and much likely he had his social value down but on another level than his looks.
But then why doesn't they always hang ugly guys? Its becouse they are NEEDY.. good looking guys are often more secure about them selfs becouse of their looks but the looks doesn't really matter.. the thing is that no matter if your hot or not and you are being needy and you apologize for who you are ALL THE TIME its a turn-off and the girls will RUN from you but if you isn't needy and dont apologize for who you are than you won't have a problem with women depending on your apperence.
Some exampels on guys?
- Just look at Tommy Lee.. anyone seen the first episode of the TV show "Tommy Lee Goes To College" in that episode he hugs his mom
(and even kisses I think?) and says that he loves her in TV! he isn't afraid of the fact that some people will think that he is a wuss because he did that in tv.. because he knows that he IS a BADASS ROCKSTAR and not a wussy so he just doesn't care about what people will think about him.
- Another exampel is Brad Pitt.. many guys says he is gay even though they know he can get almost any girl on the planet that he wants.. and Brad knows that some people thinks this but he doesn't care.. why? Becouse he is considered as one of the most attractive men on the planet.. he can fuck almost any women he wants and he knows that so why the hell would he care about some guys saying that he "looks gay"? The only reason he would care about it was if he would be insecure about himself being gay.. but he simply knows he isn't so he doesn't apologize for who he is.
Another exampel is telling women that you are a PUA
Its the same thing with many PUA's.. they want to tell women that they are PUA's becouse PUA's are people who get laid and are people who has social status but then they
1. won't becouse they are afraid of what people will think about them..
2. tell them and comes across as weird because they try to brag.
If your trying to tell the women that you are a PUA just to brag.. she will notice that its incongruent with who you are.. but if it is who you are then it will be congruent automatic.. when you brag and tell a directly women that you are a PUA it will scare her with all the stuff about acronyms, techniques and routines and other weird stuff because it will sound like some kind of sect and you will come across as a manipulator which you ARE if you do this to her.
But if you are congruent as a PUA you will show her the real deal FIRST by either picking her up, someone else infront of her or telling her a interessting story about your journey as a PUA and she will know that you really are one without you even told her right out, maybe not directly a PUA but a man comfortable around women and I guess thats whats you want and if that makes her interessted and she wants to know more about your understanding THEN tell her.
Tell her how you became a PUA but dont just tell her that you are a PUA and you can do this and that.. thats just talking the walk and thats lame.
Walk the talk and dont apologize for who you are, make sure that the actions you take on in life is something that you can be proud of so that you wont get embaressed about it and you wont have to deal with any unconscious apologizing at all.
So when is it ok to be rude?
Just so people know I dont advocate people being rude, but learn how to calibrate.. as I said its never about being rude to other people but being nice to yourself but IF someone is messing with your and you aren't in control of the situation and you just want to get away from it but the other person won't let you then you might consider being rude to the person to make that person get it, other than that you should be pleasant and yes you can be cocky + funny or banter with people while still being pleasant in order to convey a an attractive personality.
I love this post, dude. This is something I have to get down pat. I've done some thinking about it myself. It helps in developing identity. Props.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/09/2006 9:01 PM
I can definitely remember doing exactly what that kid did.
Thanks, you've really clarified the attitude of 'not caring'.
I wish somebody would have told me a year ago that it meant being easy on yourself - it would have saved me some conflict :)
Great Post. Cheers.
Posted by
Anonymous |
7/03/2007 2:20 PM