The Fine Art of Non-Supplication Revealed
Alphahot1 who came up with the concept of "Shit Tests" reveals one of the largest seduction trends and explains how to deal with it.
‘The world of seduction is ever changing'
What I personally do, it try to look for the trouble spots, the points where there seems to be a degree a legitimate confusion or misunderstanding, and correct those misunderstandings to the best of my ability.
If you go through the ASF subject headers for the last few months, you will see that the word "supplication" has become a new buzzword for all us folks here at ASF.
Ok this is really very simply. First of all, not supplicating to a woman simply means that you make the *conscious* choice that you are not going to beg or grovel to a woman for sex, ever.
But why do we focus so much on this crazy "non-supplication" thing so much in the first place. In other words... what's wrong with begging or groveling for sex if it gets you sex?
The truth is, is that in VERY large part, non-supplication is more about YOUR OWN SELF-RESPECT than it is about anything else. And probably the biggest part of self-respect is simply what you are willing to say "no" to.
Let me give you a hypothetical situation. Say that by begging an HB for a period of 1 week to have sex with you, that you could accomplish that goal and she ends up banging you. Would you call it a triumph? And understand that I make NO assumptions here at all. Would you call it a triumph?
Some men would. And only from personal experience can I say that most SSers and PUAs would not.
In truth, some men do indeed adopt the simple philosophy of "Have sex with women by any means." This includes supplication, the whole begging and groveling routine.
But the truth is this: Most, and I emphasize, *most* women will NOT want to have sex with you if you are the supplicating type of male. If she DOES give you sex because of your persistent begging for it, you can pretty much bet the farm that it is and was ONLY a MERCY fuck, and in most all cases, it will be the first and LAST time she ever bangs you. What we are talking about here is RESPECT. Respect both on the part of the woman, AND, on YOUR part as it relates to your own self-respect.
Women simply just DO NOT like the thought of having sex with a man that they cannot or do not respect. It is just one of those kind of things that sorta makes their skin crawl. It grosses them out. It makes their stomach turn. Can I make it any plainer?
Why would a man not supplicate to a woman? Well to really take all of the ambiguity out of this and make it very clear and understandable, we need to look at the life of a hypothetical guy I know. We'll call this guy Bruce.
Bruce is the kinda guy that has women calling him constantly. Women are always coming to his house. He has the option of getting laid on almost any night of the week he chooses, and has a choice of almost a dozen different HBs to choose from at any one time. Further, Bruce is constantly replenishing his supply of women. So there is never a time when he has less than about a dozen to have sex with.
So in short, Bruce can EASILY get sex at almost any time he chooses from a rather vast harem of chicks that he knows who are always more than eager to have sex with him.
Now the important thing here is NOT how Bruce came to be in this very pleasant state of affairs. That is a matter for another discussion. But simply realize that he IS there.
Now we are going to change the scenario a bit.
Now YOU have become Bruce. Step into Bruce and his life and feel what that would feel like. You know that Bruce has MANY options for sex at ANY time he chooses with a very large variety of women. And since you are now Bruce, it is YOU who has these options. Make this experience real in your mind. Imagine exactly what that would be like for you as it becomes the reality of your life.
Now you meet a new woman at your favorite hang-out place or online or where ever. This chick is a true HB (picture one of the hottest babes you know here). You introduce yourself to, and talk with this chick for a while. Let's say she gives you her phone number.
So you call her up and set up a meet somewhere with her. (Note: understand that all of this could happen in any one of a thousand different ways, but that doesn't really matter here). So you meet her at the appointed place at the appointed time. Your goal is to make her a new member of your harem. A new and exciting sex partner. After an hour or two or three (or however long it takes you) you go for the close. BAM! Roadblock!
She throws out the Jack-Ass test (insert your favorite female shit-test here).
Whatever the test is (it doesn't really matter at this point) it is specifically designed by her to stop you dead in your tracks and prevent you from getting what you want OR to test you to see what kind of a guy you really are before she will even consider going any further with you. are Bruce. You already have around a dozen decent chicks that you can have sex with at any given time and you know it.
What do you do?
Telling the bitch to fuck off and die because you already have a dozen other hot chicks the you can bed anytime you want would be one option. But it may certainly not be the best option for obvious reasons. You could give into her shit-test in the hopes that it might make her eager to fuck you. But we have already found that this is a strategy which rarely, if ever, works.
These are two extreme responses to the situation, so let's briefly take a moment to analyze them both.
If you tell the bitch to fuck off because you have dozens of other bitches to fuck, it will make her resent you and see you as a generally very unlikable piece of shit. (There are some RARE exceptions to this with certain chicks but this will not be covered here). On the other hand, if you totally give into her shit-test, she will not respect you, and guys who chicks don't respect... chicks don't fuck.
As with most all extremes, the answer usually always lies somewhere in the middle.
So again, what is the answer? Well, if you really DID put yourself in Bruce's place, I think the answer may have been clear to you already.
Bruce does not need to supplicate, nor does he need to get pissed off and tell the chick to fuck off. Bruce plays her game, but he plays it adroitly. And in doing so, he is no longer player HER game but playing his OWN game. Remember the Golden Formula for sexual prosperity. You can be warm and friendly, but also confident, powerful and decisive.
Since there's almost no way out of getting a bit more specific here, for the purpose of illustration, let's fill in the blank for the shit-test in this particular instance.
Let's say that after Bruce's ‘date' with this chick, she calls him up the next day and asks him if he will come over tomorrow to help her wash her car. (This is a loaded test by the way). Bruce does not say yes, nor does he say fuck no.
He'd probably say something more like, "I'd love to if I could [girl's name] but I'll be pretty busy with a lot of things I have to get done tomorrow and I can't help you. Maybe some other time." (You may REALLY actually have another chick that you've already planned to spend time with and fuck tomorrow).
Now there could be a hundred worse comebacks for this or there could be a hundred better ones. The point is that you have passed the shit-test without supplicating and without getting pissed off. NOTE! If the bitch cannot handle a response like this, then she is either a CONTROL freak or some other demented form of game-player and either way you do NOT want her.
This particular shit-test will probably never happen to you in reality, so you may as well stop thinking about it. Its only purpose is to illustrate the basic way of how to go about properly handling shit-tests.
Notice something else that is very interesting here. It is BECAUSE Bruce is in the very position that he is in that he can handle shit-tests without getting pissed off and without supplicating. In short, he has nothing to lose. Now here's the second part of the equation. Since Bruce DOES have so many chicks he can fuck, he doesn't need to say this to other women. It automatically radiates through in his personality. Chicks can and do pick up on these kind of things. His actions in his confident demeanor will speak this MUCH louder than words. And this makes other chicks want to fuck him even more.
But you say, "Well I don't really have a dozen chicks that I can fuck at any time." And this is where some very serious mental discipline will have to come in. The truth is, if you do not have a dozen chicks to fuck, or even one chick to fuck, you *must* BELIEVE and ACT as though you have a dozen chicks to fuck until it becomes a reality. I'm not going to pretend to tell you the perfect way on how to do this. There are MANY ways. But if you are really at a loss on this, here is one thing you MAY want to try. It has worked well for me at my early points.
Simply think about and revivify EVERY chick you have successfully seduced and/or fucked all throughout your life. Revivify and amplify the experience as a full color motion picture in your mind when you are around women, complete with all the sights, sounds and sensations. Continue to loop these experiences in your mind, over and over, from one girl to the next. That ought to help you quite well in knowing that you are perfectly capable of getting and fucking women both in the past AND future, and most importantly, the present. Trust me. These feelings will transmit to chicks, and that's exactly what you want.
So to summarise, we have learned that not supplicating to a chick does not demand telling her to go straight to Hell or completely blowing her off at the slightest sign of trouble.
Like it or not, chicks are going to give you the jack-ass and the shit-tests. There is no way around it. But remember that chicks do these things for a reason (assuming she isn't just some demented bitch out to play with your brain).
If you haven't done so already, I would strongly suggest reading the article, ‘Seduction Trends: Why Women Test Guys' by yours truly. It ties in almost directly with this post and can be found on Manic's page or the ASF archives.
Non-Supplication is an art in itself, just as seduction is, and it must be executed skillfully and with forethought.
Another potential danger to the whole non-supplication thing is quite simply, not knowing when to stop. In the recent article ‘Ultimatums', someone had pointed out that he had a chick who was perfectly willing to fuck, but because he wanted to come across as non-supplicative, he lost his chance of fucking her. It was that article that, in part, prompted me to write this one.
The is a really, REALLY simple rule to follow:
When a chick has decided that she wants to fuck, DON'T CHANGE A FUCKING THING!
Do not switch strategies. Do not try to not supplicate. Do not try to be more cool. The chick has already DECIDED that she wants to fuck which is the whole mind-set we wanted to get her in. Once she is definitely there, YOU NEED NOT DO MORE, other than fuck her of course.
This is akin to watching a salesman oversell a prospect on a particular product. It's a fucking disaster. The customer has already made up his mind that he is going to BUY the product, but yet the salesperson feels he still needs to continue trying to sell it, and he ultimately talks the customer right OUT of the sale. Make absolutely no mistake about it. In the same way, you can OVER-seduce a woman and talk her right out of the FUCK! Know when enough is enough. You will also find more information on this in the fore-mentioned article.
The Original "Shit-Test" Post by Alphahot1
‘The world of seduction is ever changing'
What I personally do, it try to look for the trouble spots, the points where there seems to be a degree a legitimate confusion or misunderstanding, and correct those misunderstandings to the best of my ability.
If you go through the ASF subject headers for the last few months, you will see that the word "supplication" has become a new buzzword for all us folks here at ASF.
Ok this is really very simply. First of all, not supplicating to a woman simply means that you make the *conscious* choice that you are not going to beg or grovel to a woman for sex, ever.
But why do we focus so much on this crazy "non-supplication" thing so much in the first place. In other words... what's wrong with begging or groveling for sex if it gets you sex?
The truth is, is that in VERY large part, non-supplication is more about YOUR OWN SELF-RESPECT than it is about anything else. And probably the biggest part of self-respect is simply what you are willing to say "no" to.
Let me give you a hypothetical situation. Say that by begging an HB for a period of 1 week to have sex with you, that you could accomplish that goal and she ends up banging you. Would you call it a triumph? And understand that I make NO assumptions here at all. Would you call it a triumph?
Some men would. And only from personal experience can I say that most SSers and PUAs would not.
In truth, some men do indeed adopt the simple philosophy of "Have sex with women by any means." This includes supplication, the whole begging and groveling routine.
But the truth is this: Most, and I emphasize, *most* women will NOT want to have sex with you if you are the supplicating type of male. If she DOES give you sex because of your persistent begging for it, you can pretty much bet the farm that it is and was ONLY a MERCY fuck, and in most all cases, it will be the first and LAST time she ever bangs you. What we are talking about here is RESPECT. Respect both on the part of the woman, AND, on YOUR part as it relates to your own self-respect.
Women simply just DO NOT like the thought of having sex with a man that they cannot or do not respect. It is just one of those kind of things that sorta makes their skin crawl. It grosses them out. It makes their stomach turn. Can I make it any plainer?
Why would a man not supplicate to a woman? Well to really take all of the ambiguity out of this and make it very clear and understandable, we need to look at the life of a hypothetical guy I know. We'll call this guy Bruce.
Bruce is the kinda guy that has women calling him constantly. Women are always coming to his house. He has the option of getting laid on almost any night of the week he chooses, and has a choice of almost a dozen different HBs to choose from at any one time. Further, Bruce is constantly replenishing his supply of women. So there is never a time when he has less than about a dozen to have sex with.
So in short, Bruce can EASILY get sex at almost any time he chooses from a rather vast harem of chicks that he knows who are always more than eager to have sex with him.
Now the important thing here is NOT how Bruce came to be in this very pleasant state of affairs. That is a matter for another discussion. But simply realize that he IS there.
Now we are going to change the scenario a bit.
Now YOU have become Bruce. Step into Bruce and his life and feel what that would feel like. You know that Bruce has MANY options for sex at ANY time he chooses with a very large variety of women. And since you are now Bruce, it is YOU who has these options. Make this experience real in your mind. Imagine exactly what that would be like for you as it becomes the reality of your life.
Now you meet a new woman at your favorite hang-out place or online or where ever. This chick is a true HB (picture one of the hottest babes you know here). You introduce yourself to, and talk with this chick for a while. Let's say she gives you her phone number.
So you call her up and set up a meet somewhere with her. (Note: understand that all of this could happen in any one of a thousand different ways, but that doesn't really matter here). So you meet her at the appointed place at the appointed time. Your goal is to make her a new member of your harem. A new and exciting sex partner. After an hour or two or three (or however long it takes you) you go for the close. BAM! Roadblock!
She throws out the Jack-Ass test (insert your favorite female shit-test here).
Whatever the test is (it doesn't really matter at this point) it is specifically designed by her to stop you dead in your tracks and prevent you from getting what you want OR to test you to see what kind of a guy you really are before she will even consider going any further with you. are Bruce. You already have around a dozen decent chicks that you can have sex with at any given time and you know it.
What do you do?
Telling the bitch to fuck off and die because you already have a dozen other hot chicks the you can bed anytime you want would be one option. But it may certainly not be the best option for obvious reasons. You could give into her shit-test in the hopes that it might make her eager to fuck you. But we have already found that this is a strategy which rarely, if ever, works.
These are two extreme responses to the situation, so let's briefly take a moment to analyze them both.
If you tell the bitch to fuck off because you have dozens of other bitches to fuck, it will make her resent you and see you as a generally very unlikable piece of shit. (There are some RARE exceptions to this with certain chicks but this will not be covered here). On the other hand, if you totally give into her shit-test, she will not respect you, and guys who chicks don't respect... chicks don't fuck.
As with most all extremes, the answer usually always lies somewhere in the middle.
So again, what is the answer? Well, if you really DID put yourself in Bruce's place, I think the answer may have been clear to you already.
Bruce does not need to supplicate, nor does he need to get pissed off and tell the chick to fuck off. Bruce plays her game, but he plays it adroitly. And in doing so, he is no longer player HER game but playing his OWN game. Remember the Golden Formula for sexual prosperity. You can be warm and friendly, but also confident, powerful and decisive.
Since there's almost no way out of getting a bit more specific here, for the purpose of illustration, let's fill in the blank for the shit-test in this particular instance.
Let's say that after Bruce's ‘date' with this chick, she calls him up the next day and asks him if he will come over tomorrow to help her wash her car. (This is a loaded test by the way). Bruce does not say yes, nor does he say fuck no.
He'd probably say something more like, "I'd love to if I could [girl's name] but I'll be pretty busy with a lot of things I have to get done tomorrow and I can't help you. Maybe some other time." (You may REALLY actually have another chick that you've already planned to spend time with and fuck tomorrow).
Now there could be a hundred worse comebacks for this or there could be a hundred better ones. The point is that you have passed the shit-test without supplicating and without getting pissed off. NOTE! If the bitch cannot handle a response like this, then she is either a CONTROL freak or some other demented form of game-player and either way you do NOT want her.
This particular shit-test will probably never happen to you in reality, so you may as well stop thinking about it. Its only purpose is to illustrate the basic way of how to go about properly handling shit-tests.
Notice something else that is very interesting here. It is BECAUSE Bruce is in the very position that he is in that he can handle shit-tests without getting pissed off and without supplicating. In short, he has nothing to lose. Now here's the second part of the equation. Since Bruce DOES have so many chicks he can fuck, he doesn't need to say this to other women. It automatically radiates through in his personality. Chicks can and do pick up on these kind of things. His actions in his confident demeanor will speak this MUCH louder than words. And this makes other chicks want to fuck him even more.
But you say, "Well I don't really have a dozen chicks that I can fuck at any time." And this is where some very serious mental discipline will have to come in. The truth is, if you do not have a dozen chicks to fuck, or even one chick to fuck, you *must* BELIEVE and ACT as though you have a dozen chicks to fuck until it becomes a reality. I'm not going to pretend to tell you the perfect way on how to do this. There are MANY ways. But if you are really at a loss on this, here is one thing you MAY want to try. It has worked well for me at my early points.
Simply think about and revivify EVERY chick you have successfully seduced and/or fucked all throughout your life. Revivify and amplify the experience as a full color motion picture in your mind when you are around women, complete with all the sights, sounds and sensations. Continue to loop these experiences in your mind, over and over, from one girl to the next. That ought to help you quite well in knowing that you are perfectly capable of getting and fucking women both in the past AND future, and most importantly, the present. Trust me. These feelings will transmit to chicks, and that's exactly what you want.
So to summarise, we have learned that not supplicating to a chick does not demand telling her to go straight to Hell or completely blowing her off at the slightest sign of trouble.
Like it or not, chicks are going to give you the jack-ass and the shit-tests. There is no way around it. But remember that chicks do these things for a reason (assuming she isn't just some demented bitch out to play with your brain).
If you haven't done so already, I would strongly suggest reading the article, ‘Seduction Trends: Why Women Test Guys' by yours truly. It ties in almost directly with this post and can be found on Manic's page or the ASF archives.
Non-Supplication is an art in itself, just as seduction is, and it must be executed skillfully and with forethought.
Another potential danger to the whole non-supplication thing is quite simply, not knowing when to stop. In the recent article ‘Ultimatums', someone had pointed out that he had a chick who was perfectly willing to fuck, but because he wanted to come across as non-supplicative, he lost his chance of fucking her. It was that article that, in part, prompted me to write this one.
The is a really, REALLY simple rule to follow:
When a chick has decided that she wants to fuck, DON'T CHANGE A FUCKING THING!
Do not switch strategies. Do not try to not supplicate. Do not try to be more cool. The chick has already DECIDED that she wants to fuck which is the whole mind-set we wanted to get her in. Once she is definitely there, YOU NEED NOT DO MORE, other than fuck her of course.
This is akin to watching a salesman oversell a prospect on a particular product. It's a fucking disaster. The customer has already made up his mind that he is going to BUY the product, but yet the salesperson feels he still needs to continue trying to sell it, and he ultimately talks the customer right OUT of the sale. Make absolutely no mistake about it. In the same way, you can OVER-seduce a woman and talk her right out of the FUCK! Know when enough is enough. You will also find more information on this in the fore-mentioned article.
The Original "Shit-Test" Post by Alphahot1