Psyneh Seduction
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Psyneh of Sweden

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Sunday, December 11, 2005 

Human Mating Sequense

Some guys are masters of both body language & inner game but still doesnt get any girls.. why? are they unexperienced? maybe not, they just doesn't get the human mating sequense as in the known quote:

"He just doesn't get it! - girl to girl about guy trying to pick her up."

but if you dont have the HMS down you wont get anywhere or at least not on a aware level, as we know often when the guy isn't aware of the HMS he will be left soon by the girl and he will be left wondering what the hell just happend, sorry but nobody will teach you this unless you are a extremly lucky guy, so you will have to teach it yourself coz nobody cares if you get it or dont but yourself. Knowing the HMS will make you aware of the mating cues, so whenever you are with a girl you can think about it and what you have to do next in order the get to the next level (almost like in a video game :D), anyway here it comes;

1. Eye contact.
2. Verbal contact.
3. Women & man standing side to side.
4. Begin to turn in and face each other - face to face contact - verbal interaction.
5. Hand to arm or hand to shoulder contact.
6. Arm around waist - hand around waist contact.
7. Mouth to mouth contact.
8. Hand to genital contact, sometimes mouth to breast contact.
9. Mouth to genital contact.
10. "Consumation" ;)

Of course you dont have to follow these steps in a straight line, sometimes you go foward and back and sometimes you go from step 1 to 7 directly (This is field tested by myself) etc.. There is alot of variations but this is the universal mating sequense.. Some people have breaken up this into over 50 steps and there is alot of detailes and little things that happens. Im not going to tell you about every little step, you will have to find your own way fitting your personlity so you can be congruent with it but advices/articles on every step can be found on mASF and other PUA sites, now remember this.


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