Psyneh Seduction
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Psyneh of Sweden

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007 

The End

Still to this day I get emails about my blog and I really appreciate it but I'm sorry to say, but I dont have the energy to keep the blog updated.. however I will leave it up so anyone can browse the articles and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

If you got any questions you can still reach me at

Thanks, Psyneh

Good Blog indeed and have covered many topics but have omitted some. you should visit the link:-

Deeeeeeaaaadddd!!!!! Here's my link!

This article makes some good basic points. Solid advice. As for taking your game to the next level, a really good program is Mack Tactics. If you've got decent fundamentals and want to sharpen your game and start scoring the "9s" and "10s," I'd recommend downloading the free Mack Tactics book at

I still come here sporadically to re-read articles lol

Seduce a Woman ebook

I know you've been gone for a while now but I just wanted to say that you had a good run!

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- ijjjji PUA

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